Ultra weicher umweltfreundlicher Klebstoff TEP
Angesichts der steigenden Nachfrage nach Druckbeständigkeit, Lebendigkeit und Haptik in der Druck- und Färbereiindustrie und um die Kosten zu senken, haben einige Färbereien begonnen, superweiches, umweltfreundliches Haft-TEP anstelle des Reaktivfarbendrucks zu verwenden.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Any statements in this material are based on controlled or laboratory work and are provided for informational purposes only. Before using the company's products, the buyer is requested to conduct sufficient tests and inspections according to the expected conditions of use of the buyer, and confirm whether the results meet the specific requirements of the buyer. The seller will not be responsible for any quality disputes, incidental or indirect losses caused Take any responsibility.